once upon a time i used to think about this blog a lot. what should be the perfect template for it, what should be the font size or color, things like these. these days i don't really care. i stopped searching for templates a long time ago, and as i always used my favorite color (i think so, not really sure it's my favorite these days) purple, i stopped thinking about decorating this blog way back. i guess it has to do with being older and wiser. does it really matter what color or background your blog is set to? your life will be as bleak and b&w as ever, always!
lesson learned tonight: you can't make someone happy however hard you try, when that particular person is determined to live in the past, rather than living in the present and be happy with the surroundings he is in. pretending to be happy never works. at least for me, it never does.
i hope nobody, ever, goes through the pain i'm going through right now. this sadness, no one deserves it. no one. ever.