Friday, November 23, 2007


i am quite disturbed by the happenings of the last few days. first vashkar got kicked out (well, almost!) from the blog (they call it a writers community, which, i think, is taking things a bit too far..) he was in for no reason at all. and what surprised me more than this, is that nobody stood for him! nobody at all. well, i know it's only about vashkar and i should not worry too much, but i have been living with this guy for over a year now and i have seen him stand for anybody who was mistreated, or against any action that didnt make sense at all. and now that he is getting the treatment that he certainly doesnt deserve...everybody is keeping mum. they are all pretending its nothing, and may be hoping that vashkar should ignore it and keep mum too. well, he is bound to keep mum, as he is kicked out from there right? nothing he writes there is published in the blog..just before yesterday i saw him posting a comment wishing someone on his birthday, but no, that comment couldnt see the light of day either. what the heck is this? and i dont know how all those people are sitting back there, not saying anything, pretending nobody knows anything while everybody is quite aware of the unfairness of it all! well, may be they dont think its unfair...after all, vashkar is not a 'shusheel' like them,,,he doesnt talk shusheel, he doesnt write shusheel, he isnt full of awe with the shusheel people like all the other people out there. u get a degree from a foreign uni, u pretend that u have a 'high' level of intellectuality, u pretend that u are very concerned about the world and your country, and of course, u pretend that u understand every kind of art and cultural stuff...u r the hero!...and so many people are trying to be a hero its making me sick just to even think of them. just a bunch of phoneys, they are. they pull a mask over their face, and pretend they are all against injustice and unfairness...but be that injustice come from their friends...they decide to ignore it. after all its friendship...and of course, if the friend has a nice mask of a literal, strong, reputable person...they'll try to even justify the misdeed. and these people, these particular people, are trying to say that they are the voices against all injustice and illogical activities that is going on in the country, or anywhere in the universe! urrghhh...i think im going to puke.