Tuesday, August 26, 2008

life is somewhere else

right now i am reading life is elsewhere by milan kundera. i think it's been almost a month i've started reading it, but i haven't even finished half of it till now. some books are better read this way, lingering over every chapter, every page, even words..

i usually read it on my way to the office in the morning. and sometimes in the office, when i get bored working. a minute ago i came across this passage from the book. and it made my week!

"(This is something that could never have happened to Xavier, because Xavier has no mother, and no father either, and not having parents is the first precondition of freedom.

But please understand, it's not a matter of losing one's parents. Gerard de Nerval's mother died when he was a newborn, and yet he lived his whole life under the hypnotic gaze of her wonderful eyes.

Freedom does not begin where parents are rejected or buried, but where they do not exist:

Where man is brought into the world without knowing by whom.

Where man is brought into the world by an egg thrown into a forest.

Where man is spat out on the ground by the sky and puts his feet on the world without feeling gratitude.)"

i think i have fallen in love with milan kundera, once again!

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